Exhibition in Milan- during fashion week 2017

The exhibition in the heart of Milan was amazing, it was held in a beautiful space in a palace. The exhibition was during fashion week and it was really fun to see so many fashionistas and artists at the opening to celebrate with us. The jewellery displayed was really varied and it was interesting to be in a show with both super conceptual work next to commercial designs. It was very well curated so the exhibition flowed very well. At the opening, there were models wearing amazing jewellery walking through the crowds and champagne flowing the whole night. We had so much fun. The jewellery people were wearing was also like a whole exhibition of its own. It was so packed within the first hour we could hardly move there must have been over 500 people there. The speakers and awards were given out by the Vouge accessory editor and then an amazing Jazz band started to play and a line of men in white coats poured mountains of champagne. It was all so grand and fantastic to be invited to participate in the show and see how Italians put on an exhibition. The book they published was also so well done. It was quite amazing how slick their team was.

